If you cancel your account and then wish to re-enable it, you will start a new subscription with a one-time setup fee and the first month's payment.
If you wish to replace your phone number after signing up, there is a one-time $25 change fee because of the effort and cost associated with the upgrade.
Each call duration is rounded up to the nearest whole minute for billing.
To cancel your account, please visit the Billing page. We cannot cancel an account over the phone, email, or live chat for security reasons. We require a minimum of 10 business days' notice to close accounts and stop billing for your subscription.
After you provide us with your debit or credit card, you will automatically be billed every month or year on the day you signed up.
You are legally responsible for all content and actions of your streaming phone number and related services and interfaces.
We reserved the right to charge any outstanding balance to a credit or debit card on file at our discretion.
You agree to provide the insight required for a written or video testimonial that showcases my wins, and the value PhoneLiveStreaming has brought to your business.
You agree to participate and provide the insight required for a written or video case study to be produced that showcases your story, the impact, and the results your organization has achieved with PhoneLiveStreaming.
You agree that once I begin to extract value from using PhoneLiveStreaming, I will happily refer others by word of mouth, social posts, and written introductions.